He takes really interesting shots - I love his photographic eye - and you get a really good overview on the Tumblr page.
The Tumblr is still up, but he's decided to change it up and start posting his pics on Instagram instead. If you want to check them out, you can follow him on @raisinbagels on Instagram.

Here is one of Phil's photos. Look closely and you'll see that there is a PUPPY IN THE HOODIE POCKET!!! If that isn't enough to get you over to the Tumblr/ Instagram, I don't know what to say to you, except that maybe we can no longer be friends ;)
Cutest footwear ever
Speaking of pics, I had to post a pic of the thongs I picked up since we arrived in Bali. I have bought very little on this trip, but for some reason I have picked up a pretty crazy amount of shoes!!
Boots in Hamburg, Vans in Budapest, sandals in Nafplio, campers in Jakarta and now thongs in Bali!! On reflection, I may have a problem!?!
I actually had an old white pair in the cupboard here, but when I pulled them out on arrival, they were all sad and yellowed... so when we passed by the Haviana factory outlet, and it was having a sale, I couldn't resist these...

Space invader thongs - love 'em!! And yes, I'm a dork...
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I'll be even more of a dork and let you know that those are actually Pac-Man thongs...
Haha - Lee, you're right!! I don't think you're a bigger dork - just a dork with a better attention to detail - hehe!