Tuesday 21 April 2015

A small favour, please...

Polling time

Yes, I know, I have been pretty rubbish with the polls on this blog. I promised that there would be interactivity and polls and so far have barely delivered...

I think we slid into such a deep chillout mode in Munich that I couldn't even think of options let alone contemplate following through with the actual outcomes. And since we've been on our Eastern Europe city tour, there just hasn't been time to post a poll and get results in! I will do better...

In the meantime, I have a question for you, so I've put up a poll.

In short, I suspect the background on the web version of the blog makes the text and photos hard to see. I can change the blog template, but before I do, it would be good to know what you see. Is the website version a horrible mess - or does it not matter a jot because you're reading this on email and the blog background is irrelevant?

Anyway, if you have a spare 30 secs, the poll is on the web version of the blog. Please and thank you.

Some Prague pics

And now, some photos of our adventures yesterday at the Dox gallery for an art brut exhibition and some phenomenal sculptures, followed by an afternoon visit to a nearby bar/cafe/ called Cross Club (definitely worth a visit - even if just to see the huge industrial steampunk-inspired sculptures), then to Hemingway bar for a taste of absinthe... it was a big day!

Amazing bird sculptures - half bird, half car, Dox gallery

Sunset silhouetting Prague Castle

Cross club with its industrially-inspired sculpture

Absinthe fountain at Hemingway bar

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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