Thursday 16 April 2015

Things I love about Budapest

Things I love about Budapest

Everything. That is all.

Okay, that's not quite all. There are a lot of things to love about Budapest.

First, the affordability. It's sooo cheap here. There are so many example, but let's use the beer - it's $1.20 for quality half litre. You can also buy rolls from the supermarket for 7 cents. Aaarggghhhhh!!!!

Then there's the food - Phil has discovered there is a chain of hummus bars and nothing will ever be the same... Plus veggie corn dogs, veggie burgers - who needs goulash??

The transport. If you're ever visiting, I'd recommend the weekly public transport ticket - $23 for train (FOUR underground metro lines - in a city of 2 million people - shame, Melbourne, shame), PLUS trams, buses AND ferries. Check out the view from yesterday's (free) ferry ride!!

Hungarian Parliament

One of the many impressive bridges

Second, the puppy love. It seems like every single person in the city has a dog. Miniature silky terriers seem like the most popular choice, but there are also tons of beagles, golden retrievers and all sorts of adorable fluff balls. Check out this little fella - awwwww. I nearly stole him!

Third, the coffee. Oh, the coffee. After Germany, I had given up on coffee in Europe. And then I found Espresso Embassy. On the first day we visited and ordered, we were spotted as Aussies by the barista and then immediately shown his barista awards - to persuade us?? And then we drank the coffee. And we've been back every day - nuff said.

I'm really just hoping that this spruik leads to free coffee in the future... hello??

The only thing I've been able to put on the cons list is slightly excessive public urination... But I suspect it's mostly down to the super cheap beer.

We have barely scratched the surface of the city - so we're already planning to come back!! For a month over summer!!!! It's that awesome. Beautiful big open streets, no language kerfuffles (how does everyone speak English so well?), lovely friendly people, great veggie food, did I mention the price of beer???

So, I'd check out Budapest if you can. Here are some pics - we climbed up a mountain - Phil made me clarify to read "big hill" (Gellert Hill) to capture these shots:

Tomorrow morning we're heading to Prague for a week or so. I will be sorry to leave Budapest, but excited to get back to Prague after 14 years (yikes)!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Great to see you guys are having so much fun!
    about that German coffee, I feel your frustration, I thought it must have been an acquired taste, but after so many years I still don't seem to get it....... that's what generations of extreme cold and gloomy weather do to your taste buds! ;-)

    Oh, in-case you guys haven't heard, Summer has ended before it even started here! :(

  2. Hey Kris. Great to hear from you. Prague seems more German-like in its coffee than Budapest... I've given up. Plus the beer is cheaper than coffee, so nothing to be too sad about!
